
Mary WanlessFor the good of the rider
This manual presents a "map" of riding and explains its basic biomechanical principles. Mary Wanless asserts that behind the art of riding lies a science, which has laws of cause and effect. Utilizing these laws turns the rider's body into a sophisticated tool for influencing the horse, allowing her to mimic the techniques which talented riders use unknowingly.

There are vignettes which tell stories of riders she has taught world-wide, from relative novices to international competitors. Chapters on learning, sports psychology, dismounted exercises and bodywork expand the ideas put forward in "Ride With Your Mind" and "Masterclass".
Questi volumi seguono una rigorosa correttezza tecnico-scientifica e una esposizione semplice con molte illustrazioni a colori. Testi sia per hobbysti sia per professionisti.
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