A new immersion into the MULTI-MEDIA approach of MINUS HABENS... 74 pages featuring discography, Iyrics, live actions... a sharp set of new AUDIO-PIX by DIVE, reveal the extended VISUAL-EDEN of Franscoise Duvivier's artworks: a dreamt version of Dirk Ivens's visions mirrored on a lustful booklet. The trilogy begun with FIRST ALBUM and FINAL REPORT is completed. More than anywhere else, ciothes and make-up are left on this devastated bed, picking the occasion for a truly poly-sensitive review... the EVOCATION and the GLASS, the EYES and the LIPS... CUT and TORN, sights rest among the MUSIC's GULFS, waiting for AGGRESSION to become AFFECTION, SMOKE to convert into MUD. Velvet EDGES slowly slide unto the PAPER, wetting the surface with the BLOOD of SOUNDS... the deleted TONGUES absorb OBSCENITIES from MEAT CHURCHES, praising themselves in spite of everything... these are SACRAMENTS without a church, the deleted notes of the DROWNED GARDEN. Making BLISS out of TORTURES, taking PAIN out of HAPPINESS... the fallen elevation of decading angels, the broken trail of dead movies. A DAZING SET OF WINGS AND BEASTS... AN ELECTRONIC GHOST OF SOUL CRASHES.