Mindful work with horses, says neurosurgeon Allan J. Hamilton, can enlighten the human handler as much as it benefits the horse.
Evolving over 30 million years to become the quintessential prey animal, equines have developed acute right-brain survival skills, such as leadership, awareness, empathy, and cooperation.
In particular the horse has finely honed abilities to lead, communicate, and connect not with words, but with the vital emotional energy described in the Buddhist tradition as chi.
When we learn the language of chi, we become more effective as leaders, more attuned to others, and more joyful as human beings.
Zen Mind, Zen Horse begins by examining how the equine and human brains function, often related to their respective roles as prey and predator.
Going on to draw insights and wisdom from spiritual traditions such as Zen Buddhism, Ayurvedic healing, and Yaqui shamanism and from the great horse cultures of the Mongolians, Bedouins, and Native Americans, Dr. Hamilton shows the importance of developing right-brain awareness and quieting the left-brain dominance of our Western brains.
Seamlessly integrating spiritual principles and practical applications, Dr. Hamilton shows how to apply the chi-based approach to every aspect of horse-human communication, including:
- The act of grooming as a spiritual practice
- Techniques of alpha-horse leadership that make others gladly follow
- Gaze, stance, and gesture as training tools
- The irresistible power of infinite patience
Ultimately, the author shows the depth of insight humans gain into themselves, as well as horses, after working with these amazing animals.
Integrando i principi spirituali e le applicazioni pratiche, il dottor Hamilton mostra come approcciare ogni aspetto della comunicazione tra cavallo e uomo, tra cui:
- L'atto di governare come una pratica spirituale
- Tecniche di alfa-cavallo leadership che induce gli altri cavalli a seguirlo
- Sguardo, la posizione, e il gesto come strumenti di formazione
- Il potere irresistibile della pazienza infinita
In ultima analisi, l'autore mostra la profondità di ottenere informazioni tra esseri umani in se stessi, così come i cavalli, dopo aver lavorato con questi animali incredibili.