
Rosemary ArcherThe versatile arabian horse
Since World War II, the population of Arabian horses throughout the world has grown astronomically. A large number of shows are dedicated entirely to the breed and for some owners and breeders, the show ring has become a major consideration. Breeding for the show ring alone can lead to problems and there now appear to be two kinds of Arab horse, one for in-hand showing and the other for riding. A great many Arabs and Anglo-Arabs have achieved success in open competition but they receive far less publicity than the show horses. This book endeavours to put into perspective the fundamental use of the Arabian as a beautiful and intelligent horse to ride, and to prove that it is an exceptionally versatile horse. The book covers the history of the Arab, its use in the East, modern selection for breeding and the events in which it competes, such as racing, showjumping and eventing.

Questo libro cerca di mettere in prospettiva l'uso fondamentale dell'arabo come un bel ed intelligente cavallo, e provare che č un cavallo insolitamente versatile. Il libro copre la storia dell'arabo, il suo uso nell'Oriente, selezione moderna per incrociare e gli eventi nei quali compete, come showjumping ed eventing.
Questi volumi seguono una rigorosa correttezza tecnico-scientifica e una esposizione semplice con molte illustrazioni a colori. Testi sia per hobbysti sia per professionisti.
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