
Jaime JacksonHorse owners guide to natural hoof care
The bible of the natural hoof care movement is now updated, expanded, and made more valuable than ever • Step-by-step instructions for the Natural Trim • For horse owners wanting to do their own hoof work or improve their understanding of natural hoof care • For farriers wanting to transition to natural hoof care • How to make a successful transition from shod to unshod • Concise explanations about hairlines, pasterns, frog pressure, coffin bones, angles, 4 point trims, hoof balance and other peerplexing concepts • All common parts of the hoof, and how they're supposed to work together naturally and optimally, are discussed in clear, straightforward terms.
Questi volumi seguono una rigorosa correttezza tecnico-scientifica e una esposizione semplice con molte illustrazioni a colori. Testi sia per hobbysti sia per professionisti.
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