
Jaime JacksonFounder - prevention & cure the natural way

Founder kills thousands of horses every year, and leaves tens of thousand of others debilitated in its wake. In this startling revelation and guide to the natural, holistic cure and prevention of founder, author/hoof care expert Jaime Jackson brings an entirely new perspective to the treatment table.
Jackson evaluates the conventional veterinary therapies, and takes a new look at the causes and treatment of founder. This may be the most controversial book yet written on the subject.....and the most useful. 
Includes a clear and workable "Founder Action Plan" for immediate action in identifying and removing the causes of founder, and starting on the road to healing. Jackson also gives practical instructions on how future episodes may be prevented

Founder č il termine inglese che indica lo sfondamento della suola dello zoccolo da parte della terza falange in seguito a laminite, ed č appunto a questa terribile patologia che il titolo č dedicato.
Vengono affrontati tutti gli aspetti della malattia, dalle cause alla terapia.
Questi volumi seguono una rigorosa correttezza tecnico-scientifica e una esposizione semplice con molte illustrazioni a colori. Testi sia per hobbysti sia per professionisti.
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