
Melissa Troup BA, BHSIIEveryday jumping for riders and instructors
This book is designed for training jumpers and riders and horses, whether schooling at home, or under instruction in group lessons or as individuals.

It provides a collection of exercises, on the flat, and over poles and fences, as well as detailed background information on jumping technique and tips on how to achieve a clear round in faultless style.

Contents include:

The five stages of the horse's jump
The effects of the rider's position
Fences to improve the horse's jump
Overcoming typical problems and faults
Flatwork exercises to improve the canter
Pole work
Grids and related distances
Influencing the canter lead over a fence
Building and riding courses
Indoor cross country practice
Tables of distances
Notes on fence building
Questi volumi seguono una rigorosa correttezza tecnico-scientifica e una esposizione semplice con molte illustrazioni a colori. Testi sia per hobbysti sia per professionisti.
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